It is November and to prepare MINHUI’s employees for one of the coldest winter in Lanxi, the management team has ordered new winter jackets and uniforms in advance. Today these warm clothes were handed out to everyone and our employees could not wait to try them on.
Meet our sales team in new winter gears.
“This year’s jacket is more practical and warmer compared to last year, and I am happy to see that the administrative office listened to our ideas to order jackets with removable fur lining.” Nick says. He is one of the staff of International Trade Department and has been working for MINHUI since 2018.
Nick enjoys working with people and building relationships both professionally and individually. He never fails to deliver a wonderful collaboration experience to his clients. He mentions that he loves working for MINHUI because of the amiable colleagues and positive working environment. He also finds the management team even though with strong leadership, are very respectful because they always listen to the employees’ feedback and try their best to accommodate to workers’ needs.
2021’s new winter coats for our employees.
One of MINHUI’s beliefs is that employees are the most crucial element of the company and we hope our employees can feel respected, cared about and a sense of belonging from the big family MINHUI both at and off work. From providing physical welfare to design jobs that fits our employees’ psychological and cognitive talents and needs, we are always working towards to create a warm and friendly atmosphere and a welcoming and relaxed work place for our workers.
Post time: Nov-09-2021